Social Media - A Rose With a Thorn

In the past, I had been making extensive uses of especially Facebook but also Twitter.  It is a very nice and friendly way to socialise and chill with friends.

Nobody can, however, have 532 friends and have a meaningful relationship with all.  It means that something will suffer amidst the many thousands of "friends" one can aggregate.

There is a downside to social media, though.  One of these is the fact that people generally do not know how to contacts friends outside of social media anymore. This can have a dangerous effect when these services get interrupted and people need to get urgent messages to another.  We do not know where our friends live, we do not have their phone numbers and usually also not their email addresses.

When Facebook is down, you find yourself stranded alone on a little island in cyberspace.  All on your own and not able to contact anybody.

Should a government, "hackers" (crackers, actually) bring down Facebook or Twitter's servers, you could just as well be floating on a asteroid through space.  Totally alone and out of reach.

There is a country where Police have basic floor plans of every home on computer and on these, the beds where saved people sleep are green and non-saved beds are red.  When the time comes for the Great Tribulation, they know where to go to arrest reborn Christians!  How do I know about this?  I attended a church where the pastors travelled to a country in South America and came back, telling us how wonderful this technology is.

These anti-trackers do help a bit but what you say on Facebook, in in privacy, really is open to all.  Tracker bugs and spyware are much less of a danger than you, the user, posting data that never should have been public in the first place.

In much the same way, data mining is done on social media and every user is profiled.  Scientific research recently showed that Facebook was able to profile people more accurately than even their own families could. 

Ensure that you can access your friends when these services become inaccessible, either through service interruptions or by enforcing biometric authentication.  (Revelation 13.)

We have seen in Egypt, Libya and the Middle East how military intervention froze internet services, so that nobody could communicate with the outside world.  This was to hide crimes against humanity.  Christians in Egypt had great difficulty alerting other Christians of what was happening.

Do not build your lives upon Facebook but on Jesus Christ.  Make sure that you have contact details of friends so that you can warn about danger of call for help, should a situation present itself.  Many software trusted blindly by people have secret applications inside that can cause damage much greater than losing data.  It can steal all your private information and post it on servers across the globe and you will never be able to remove it.

Our Lord had prompted me to take down all my social media last night, He has a reason.  I do not question Him but obey, even if I do not understand why.

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