I greet you in His peace!
Over the past few weeks, I have shared His vision and mission opportunity with you. A number of questions had been asked and this will be a standard answer to all of them.
This is not about myself but about His will and purpose. His purpose is His Love for you mingled with practical reality. Some have been conditioned to believe in an escapist Rapture theory which directly contradicts Jesus who is God. Matthew 24:29-31 is where Jesus busts the Rapture Myth. What Paul tweeted to the Thessalonian believers says how it will happen and Jesus said when.
In His Love, He had made a plan for you.
Possibly the Scripture quoted most out of context and then creating a half-truth, is Jeremiah 29:11. We all know what it says but see what follows next, the T's & C's to qualify verse 11.
"Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. 13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. 14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD..."
We first need to seek Him, we first need to be doing this with all of our heart. No diluted or divided loyalty; either all or nothing.
So, He has a plan for you but have you set yourself aside to seek Him as described above? If not, why delay?
In what I am presenting here, a collage of visions will be shared but all of it make sense when seen as a whole.
Then I need to say that the Lord had shown me various disasters, all of which had happened except for this one discussed here. All signs to see it happen some way or another, are already clear, so I do not need to elaborate.
My son, then 12 or 13, had "seen" the London bombs well in advance but we were too blind to see and did not warn in time.
What follows next is mostly important to anyone living on either the North- or South American continent. I will firstly deal with the most imminent.
We read in Matthew 24:29-31 that He will only return to collect us after the tribulation. It is also said in Revelation that the Beast will war against the saints and overcome them. This has been ongoing for almost two millennia now, so it is nothing new. We are seeing an increase at the moment, with the rise of the Islamic State.
Revelation also states that the dragon will war against the woman (true church) and her off-spring. She will flee into the wilderness, something that is a repetitive theme from early in the Bible. It is a prophecy true to many era's in the sense of "there is nothing new under the sun."
Now we are seeing trouble, as Jesus said that He only comes after this had happened and that the dragon will overcome the saints. We see a woman flee into the desert with her offspring. This now brings Revelation 3:10 into the fray. We see that certain believers will be spared and they will be taken to where Isaiah 18 clearly defines the southern regions of Africa. (Cush, Ethiopia are names for all of Africa.)
This is where I fit into all of this!
The USA has been warned for more than forty years about turmoil to come, by reliable prophets such as David Wilkerson, of Nicky Cruz fame. There lived another as a simple shepherd in the arid regions of South Africa, someone whose named had never been tarnished and whose prophecies had been uncannily accurate over time.
Follow the link and read the entire post, it is a bit long but you need to see it all to have the right perspective in the end.
I am a simple man of God myself and not one with any social status, yet the Lord had shown me things in the past and all of those had come true:
1996 or 1997 bombs in Worcester, South African
2011 floods in South Africa and a rise in communist youth activism. Even this had caused President Jacob Zuma to avoid Parliament for about half a year now after the EFF's members under Julius Malema had caused a riot there.
2008 Two air crashes, one at Windhoek in Namibia and the other at Bredasdorp in South Africa.
All of the above have been "seen" months or years in advance.
Like David Wilkerson and others, I had also received a very clear warning that had not yet come true. This shows a violent division of the USA and I am not sure whether it is of a literal or figurative meaning – or both. That is up to the Lord to reveal.
Our Lord had sent the old Dutch to what today is Cape Town, to establish a haven in the wilderness, back in 1652, which was when you were on His mind. The Dutch became the Afrikaners and the Afrikaner pioneers who ventured inland are called the Boere. (Boer = farmer but it has a wider meaning.)
The Afrikaner-Boer people have no less than three covenants with our Lord. We had been sent here to prepare the way for others, people like you, who may be needing a safer haven in future. He had shown me to travel to the Americas when it is dark (could mean after a long time or when there are dark times, or both.) I then meet up with small groups of people, maybe ten, or twenty, or twenty-five at a time. Then I bind Satan, worship Jesus together with you and then bring you home to South Africa, from where He will be collecting us. How far this is into the future, I do not know.
What is of importance now is that we must lay the foundation as Jesus had confirmed over and again that my purpose here is for the woman.
There are community projects here that need your help and Jesus is smart in building community. First, we pray and then He binds people together. Out of that community comes the chosen for doing the work. Secondly, the chosen get into action and the project is launched.
What we need to achieve is of monumental nature and I am eventually only going to be the paymaster. Others will build and tame what needs to be built and tamed. We can get into the detail another day.
I am not called to be living under a bridge or in a tent in Alberta or Alaska. Those doing it are where they need to be if they are within His will.
Where I am now, was showed long before. What also was shown and confirmed many times over since 2008, is that the American woman (white = pure heart) will come with an amount of money sufficient to maintain my family, also to acquire the computers and phones we will need. The woman (American church) will partner with us until The End and the joint venture will grow immensely.
For the past eight years, we never asked anyone anything but Jesus is forcing us to be doing so, as this is His way to marry you and us into becoming the pioneers in this venture of hiding the woman and her child in the wilderness.
We as a small family had to forsake our own friends and family and had endured much on our own. There was persecution and even arrests on false statements. Of course released without being sentenced even, cases were dropped. Yet we know how it is to be rejected by all and unwanted by all.
When you fine hour comes in America, of which 9/11 was but a foretaste, my family and I will be ready for you. We will know your pain as we had felt it ourselves. There will be somebody to receive you but, in the meantime, please reach out to local communities here with us, as we need to also teach them the Truth.
A decade ago, I was told by Americans that South Africa could be formally associated with the USA to become the 51st state. I do see our partnership happen but the USA already is in danger of being politically divided at the very least. The "We The People" initiative already sought various states to seek independence.
Hopefully, some of you may start seeing the Light of Jesus here.
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